Results for 'Gustavo H. Soares'

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  1.  20
    From biocolonialism to emancipation: considerations on ethical and culturally respectful omics research with indigenous Australians.Gustavo H. Soares, Joanne Hedges, Sneha Sethi, Brianna Poirier & Lisa Jamieson - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (3):487-496.
    As part of a (bio)colonial project, the biological information of Indigenous Peoples has historically been under scientific scrutiny, with very limited benefits for communities and donors. Negative past experiences have contributed to further exclude Indigenous communities from novel developments in the field of omics research. Over the past decade, new guidelines, reflections, and projects of genetic research with Indigenous Peoples have flourished in Australia, providing opportunities to move the field into a place of respect and ethical relationships. This review explores (...)
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    Models of arithmetic and upper Bounds for arithmetic sets.Alistair H. Lachlan & Robert I. Soare - 1994 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 59 (3):977-983.
    We settle a question in the literature about degrees of models of true arithmetic and upper bounds for the arithmetic sets. We prove that there is a model of true arithmetic whose degree is not a uniform upper bound for the arithmetic sets. The proof involves two forcing constructions.
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    Two theorems on degrees of models of true arithmetic.Julia Knight, Alistair H. Lachlan & Robert I. Soare - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (2):425-436.
  4.  36
    The continuity of cupping to 0'.Klaus Ambos-Spies, Alistair H. Lachlan & Robert I. Soare - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 64 (3):195-209.
    It is shown that, if a, b are recursively enumerable degrees such that 0
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  5. Master Index to Volumes 61-70.Z. Adamowicz, K. Ambos-Spies, A. H. Lachlan, R. I. Soare, R. A. Shore, M. A. da ArchangelskyTaitslin, S. Artemov & J. Bagaria - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 70:289-294.
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    A novel variable neighborhood descent algorithm for service restoration in radial electrical distribution networks.Gabriel F. Puerta, Leonardo H. Macedo, João Soares & Rubén Romero - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper presents a variable neighborhood descent algorithm for the service restoration problem (SRP) in electrical distribution systems. The restoration problem appears when a permanent fault occurs in the system. The fault must be localized and isolated from the rest of the system. As a consequence of the isolation, the downstream area is de-energized and requires restoration. The variable neighborhood descent algorithm features its ability to solve the SRP for radial distribution systems and introduces a strategy that helps to deal (...)
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  7.  21
    Degrees of Models of True Arithmetic.David Marker, J. Stern, Julia Knight, Alistair H. Lachlan & Robert I. Soare - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (2):562-563.
  8. Using Art to Resist Epistemic Injustice: The Aesthetics of the Oppressed and Democratic Freedom.Gustavo H. Dalaqua - 2020 - Contention 8 (1):93-114.
    This article argues that the aesthetics of the oppressed—a series of artistic practices elaborated by Augusto Boal (1931-2009) that comprises the theatre of the oppressed, the rainbow of desire technique, and legislative theatre—utilizes art in order to resist epistemic injustice and promote democratic freedom.
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    Selected issues in biotechnology regulation: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, England, European Union, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan.Gustavo Guerra, Kelly Buchanan, Louis A. Gilbert, Eduardo Soares, Tariq Ahmad, Laney Zhang, Clare Feikert-Ahalt, Jenny Gesley, Sayuri Umeda & Hanibal Goitom (eds.) - 2023 - [Washington, D.C.]: The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Directorate.
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    Democratic freedom as resistance against self‐hatred, epistemic injustice, and oppression in Paulo Freire's critical theory.Gustavo H. Dalaqua - 2019 - Constellations 26 (4):525-537.
  11. Conflict, socialism, and democracy in Mill.Gustavo H. Dalaqua - 2019 - Télos 22 (1-2):33-59.
    Mill’s socialism and democratic theory have led some scholars to accuse him of trying to eliminate conflict from political life. Whereas Graeme Duncan has averred that Mill’s socialism aims to institute a completely harmonious society, James Fitzjames Stephen has contended that Millian democracy sought to evacuate conflict from political discussion. This article reconstructs both critiques and argues they are imprecise. Even if disputes motivated by redistribution of material goods would no longer exist in an egalitarian society, conflicts driven by resentment (...)
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  12. Democratic Representation and Legislative Theatre.Gustavo H. Dalaqua - 2020 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 67 (164):26-47.
    This article seeks to contribute to the debate on how political representation can promote democracy by analysing the Chamber in the Square, which is a component of legislative theatre. A set of techniques devised to democratise representative governments, legislative theatre was created by Augusto Boal when he was elected a political representative in 1993. After briefly reviewing Nadia Urbinati’s understanding of democratic representation as a diarchy of will and judgement, I partially endorse Hélène Landemore’s criticism and contend that if representation (...)
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    Democracy as compromise: An alternative to the agonistic vs. epistemic divide.Gustavo H. Dalaqua - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (144):587-607.
    The agonistic vs. epistemic dichotomy is fairly widespread in contemporary democratic theory and is endorsed by scholars as outstanding as Luis Felipe Miguel, Chantal Mouffe, and Nadia Urbinati. According to them, the idea that democratic deliberation can work as a rational exchange of arguments that aims at truth is incompatible with the recognition of conflict as a central feature of politics. In other words, the epistemic approach is bound to obliterate the agonistic and conflictive dimension of democracy. This article takes (...)
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    Aristófanes e o Mito Que Ninguém Riu.Felipe Gustavo Soares da Silva & Karl Heinz Efken - 2019 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 11 (31).
    O presente trabalho trata de analisar a fala do famoso comediante grego Aristófanes, trazida por Platão em seu Simpósio. A fala da personagem aqui é interpretada considerando sua descrição da natureza humana a partir do famoso mito dos andróginos e as implicações do desejo (Eros) para a felicidade humana. Estranhamente, ao término da fala do comediante não há risos, provavelmente, porque o conteúdo falado foi um assunto sério que revelou a dimensão trágica de Eros para a vida humana.
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    Considerações acerca dos conceitos de autorreflexão e emancipação na pesquisa-ação.Letícia Soares Fernandes, Allana Ladislau Prederigo, Rafael Carlos Queiroz, Gustavo Falcão Santana & Mariangela Lima de Almeida - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10:157-174.
    Toma-se como objetivo tecer considerações acerca do conceito de autorreflexão e emancipação, entrelaçando-o à pesquisa-ação, por meio do diálogo entre Jürgen Habermas, Theodor W. Adorno, Wilfred Carr e Stephen Kemmis. Os conceitos de autorreflexão e emancipação surgem na Escola de Frankfurt através de Adorno e são incorporados por Habermas, que dá outro sentido a eles. Carr e Kemmis, ao refletirem sobre a pesquisa-ação emancipatória na educação, tomam Habermas como alicerce e constituem o conceito de autorreflexão crítica. A partir das considerações (...)
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  16. Emotional, Behavioral, and Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Ana Luisa Pedrosa, Letícia Bitencourt, Ana Cláudia Fontoura Fróes, Maria Luíza Barreto Cazumbá, Ramon Gustavo Bernardino Campos, Stephanie Bruna Camilo Soares de Brito & Ana Cristina Simões E. Silva - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Resenha de 'Carta a Diogneto'.Felipe Gustavo Soares da Silva, Vinycius Bezerra Ferreira Cavalcanti Mattoso & Jannyelle Vitória Cabral - 2019 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 1 (1):270-275.
    O manuscrito original é de língua grega e sua tradução para o português é realizada por Ivo Storniolo e Euclides M. Balancin, sendo publicada pela editora Paulus numa coleção chamada Patrística, em referência aos textos produzidos no período inicial da Filosofia Cristã, escritos pelos chamados “padres da Igreja”, que prepararam a Filosofia Medieval. Apesar da inserção na coleção de textos da editora, a Carta a Diogneto não é claramente um texto produzido por um dos tais padres patrísticos, todavia, levando em (...)
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  18.  11
    Uso de Memes No Ensino de Filosofia No Ensino Superior: Um Relato de Experiência e Uma Reflexão Sobre o Processo de Ensino Aprendizagem.Felipe Gustavo Soares da Silva - forthcoming - Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia - REFilo.
    O presente trabalho trata de relatar uma experiência positiva no ensino superior na disciplina Estudos dos saberes Filosóficos a partir do uso de memes como ferramenta útil e como metodologia ativa em sala de aula e, de modo especial, para a avaliação da aprendizagem. Faremos aqui uma análise do surgimento e evolução do termo meme, sua caracterização como gênero textual e, por fim, descrevemos a nossa prática em sala de aula destacando importantes aspectos observados. O uso dos memes em sala (...)
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  19.  30
    Cross-Cultural Differences and Similarities in Human Value Instantiation.Paul H. P. Hanel, Gregory R. Maio, Ana K. S. Soares, Katia C. Vione, Gabriel L. de Holanda Coelho, Valdiney V. Gouveia, Appasaheb C. Patil, Shanmukh V. Kamble & Antony S. R. Manstead - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    “Help! I Need Somebody”: Music as a Global Resource for Obtaining Wellbeing Goals in Times of Crisis.Roni Granot, Daniel H. Spitz, Boaz R. Cherki, Psyche Loui, Renee Timmers, Rebecca S. Schaefer, Jonna K. Vuoskoski, Ruth-Nayibe Cárdenas-Soler, João F. Soares-Quadros, Shen Li, Carlotta Lega, Stefania La Rocca, Isabel Cecilia Martínez, Matías Tanco, María Marchiano, Pastora Martínez-Castilla, Gabriela Pérez-Acosta, José Darío Martínez-Ezquerro, Isabel M. Gutiérrez-Blasco, Lily Jiménez-Dabdoub, Marijn Coers, John Melvin Treider, David M. Greenberg & Salomon Israel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Music can reduce stress and anxiety, enhance positive mood, and facilitate social bonding. However, little is known about the role of music and related personal or cultural variables in maintaining wellbeing during times of stress and social isolation as imposed by the COVID-19 crisis. In an online questionnaire, administered in 11 countries, participants rated the relevance of wellbeing goals during the pandemic, and the effectiveness of different activities in obtaining these goals. Music was found to be the most effective activity (...)
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  21.  76
    GeoPartitura: Collective concert with music, image, technology and interactivity.Suzete Venturelli, Claudia Loch, Francisco de Paula Barretto, Gustavo Soares, Juliana Hilário de Sousa, Leonardo Guilherme de Freitas, Ronaldo Ribeiro & Victor Valentim - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 9 (2-3):225-231.
    The text describes the research Geopartitura executed by the team MidiaLab Computer art research laboratory, that raises the thought about social artists and urban space. As a work of art it can be considered activist action. As a system, it is composed by software, database, locative media and mobile devices. The work was created to be performed as urban interactive cyberintervention, in order to interact with passers-by, a bias of social inclusion, transforming the urban landscape and its noises, at a (...)
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  22.  49
    Biometric and Emotion Identification: An ECG Compression Based Method.Susana Brás, Jacqueline H. T. Ferreira, Sandra C. Soares & Armando J. Pinho - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  23.  45
    Nosewitness Identification: Effects of Lineup Size and Retention Interval.Laura Alho, Sandra C. Soares, Liliana P. Costa, Elisa Pinto, Jacqueline H. T. Ferreira, Kimmo Sorjonen, Carlos F. Silva & Mats J. Olsson - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:173324.
    Although canine identification of body odor (BO) has been widely used as forensic evidence, the concept of nosewitness identification by human observers was only recently put to the test. The results indicated that BOs associated with male characters in authentic crime videos could later be identified in BO lineup tests well above chance. To further evaluate nosewitness memory, we assessed the effects of lineup size (Experiment 1) and retention interval (Experiment 2), using a forced-choice memory test. The results showed that (...)
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  24.  4
    Produção de dados pela via dos espaços discursivos.Mariangela Lima de Almeida, Allana Ladislau Prederigo, Rafael Carlos Queiroz, Sumika Soares de Freitas Hernandez-Piloto, Islene da Silva Vieira & Gustavo Falcão Santana - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7352.
    Em busca de superar uma racionalidade reducionista instaurada por décadas na produção de conhecimentos na área da educação, propomos neste artigo, considerando a teoria do Agir Comunicativo, realizar uma discussão sobre os Espaços Discursivos. Estes vêm se configurando em uma proposta para produção de dados, de modo a considerar a intersubjetividade dos sujeitos e a autorreflexão como meios constituintes de saberes. Seus princípios estão alicerçados na ética do discurso desenvolvido por Habermas. A construção da metodologia em tela, tem-se dado pela (...)
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    Autorreflexão e pesquisa ação-crítica.Rafael Queiroz, Allana Ladislau Prederigo, Letícia Soares Fernandes, Gustavo Falcão Santana & Mariangela Lima de Almeida - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10:184-196.
    O conhecimento tem sido objeto de reflexão e estudo em várias áreas do saber, bem como elemento-chave nas grandes transformações enfrentadas pela humanidade. Assim, a autorreflexão, conforme aponta Jürgen Habermas refere-se a um processo de análise crítica e autorreflexiva realizado por indivíduos e pela sociedade como um todo. A autorreflexão também está associada ao desenvolvimento do entendimento crítico, o que permite que os sujeitos, de modo coletivo avaliem constantemente suas próprias ações e instituições em relação aos padrões de justiça, igualdade (...)
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  26.  66
    The d.r.e. degrees are not dense.S. Barry Cooper, Leo Harrington, Alistair H. Lachlan, Steffen Lempp & Robert I. Soare - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 55 (2):125-151.
    By constructing a maximal incomplete d.r.e. degree, the nondensity of the partial order of the d.r.e. degrees is established. An easy modification yields the nondensity of the n-r.e. degrees and of the ω-r.e. degrees.
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  27.  61
    Definable properties of the computably enumerable sets.Leo Harrington & Robert I. Soare - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 94 (1-3):97-125.
    Post in 1944 began studying properties of a computably enumerable set A such as simple, h-simple, and hh-simple, with the intent of finding a property guaranteeing incompleteness of A . From the observations of Post and Myhill , attention focused by the 1950s on properties definable in the inclusion ordering of c.e. subsets of ω, namely E = . In the 1950s and 1960s Tennenbaum, Martin, Yates, Sacks, Lachlan, Shoenfield and others produced a number of elegant results relating ∄-definable properties (...)
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    Corrigendum to “The d.r.e. degrees are not dense” [Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 55 (1991) 125–151].S. Barry Cooper, Leo Harrington, Alistair H. Lachlan, Steffen Lempp & Robert I. Soare - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (12):2164-2165.
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    Entre o ranking e o rating: A avaliação digital docente na era da sociedade métrica.Antônio Alvaro Soares Zuin & Lucídio Bianchetti - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (79):529-554.
    Resumo: Os processos avaliativos, na universidade, são perpassados por um ethos que prima pela quantificação e pelo ranqueamento. Em decorrência, observa-se cada vez mais a descaracterização da avaliação na sua acepção qualitativa e, consequentemente, formativa. A afirmação desse ethos, na universidade, bem como na sociedade, é facilitada pelos algoritmos de big data, os quais estão na base da constituição da chamada “sociedade métrica”, em que há uma tendência geral para utilizar formas quantitativas para realizar classificações sociais. Neste texto, com respaldo (...)
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    Psychological literature.H. N. Gardiner & Gustavo Tosti - 1900 - Psychological Review 7 (3):289-295.
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    Proceedings from the IV Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics (IV BRISPE): Goi'nia, Brasil. 17-18 November 2016. [REVIEW]A. S. C. Abreu, H. S. Selistre-de-Araujo, D. Guilhem, M. R. C. G. Novaes, N. R. A. Silva, M. Palácios, P. G. Camacho, M. Russo, A. Abreu, S. Cruz-Riascos, L. V. R. Rezende, A. C. Quintela, J. Leta, E. Damasio, H. H. Caiaffa Filho, R. M. Catarino, A. A. B. Almodóvar, A. P. Vicentini, B. C. Machado, M. M. Sorenson, J. R. Lapa E. Silva, A. Palma, R. M. V. R. Almeida, E. H. Watanabe, D. Foguel, S. M. R. Vasconcelos, C. A. Guimarães, A. Schtscherbyna, J. C. Amaral, H. G. Falcão, F. R. Mota, S. C. Bourguignon, R. Kant de Lima, S. Liskauskas, M. C. Cassimiro, J. Araújo, A. S. Carvalho, M. Patrão Neves, F. M. Litto, M. D. P. Silva, L. S. Gracioso, A. C. Furnival, P. M. Lourenço, V. Ronchi, M. M. M. Machado, R. Amaral, M. D. Ribeiro, R. Neves, V. C. Garbocci, M. Fontes-Domingues, P. Biancovilli, R. T. Souza, P. V. S. Souza, D. C. Machado, C. C. Santos, A. M. Gollner, H. S. Pinheiro, G. A. Fófano, A. A. P. Santa Rosa, C. H. Debenedito Silva, A. M. M. Soares, M. M. P. Diós-Borges, E. Duarte & Gar - 2017 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 2 (Suppl 1).
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  32. Time and irreversibility in an accelerating universe.Gustavo E. Romero & Daniela Pérez - 2011 - International Journal of Modern Physics D 20:2831-2838.
    It is a remarkable fact that all processes occurring in the observable universe are irre- versible, whereas the equations through which the fundamental laws of physics are formu- lated are invariant under time reversal. The emergence of irreversibility from the funda- mental laws has been a topic of consideration by physicists, astronomers and philosophers since Boltzmann's formulation of his famous \H" theorem. In this paper we shall discuss some aspects of this problem and its connection with the dynamics of space-time, (...)
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  33. On the ethics of facial transplantation research.Osborne P. Wiggins, John H. Barker, Serge Martinez, Marieke Vossen, Claudio Maldonado, Federico V. Grossi, Cedric G. Francois, Michael Cunningham, Gustavo Perez-Abadia, Moshe Kon & Joseph C. Banis - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):1 – 12.
    Transplantation continues to push the frontiers of medicine into domains that summon forth troublesome ethical questions. Looming on the frontier today is human facial transplantation. We develop criteria that, we maintain, must be satisfied in order to ethically undertake this as-yet-untried transplant procedure. We draw on the criteria advanced by Dr. Francis Moore in the late 1980s for introducing innovative procedures in transplant surgery. In addition to these we also insist that human face transplantation must meet all the ethical requirements (...)
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  34. Coordinating virus research: The Virus Infectious Disease Ontology.John Beverley, Shane Babcock, Gustavo Carvalho, Lindsay G. Cowell, Sebastian Duesing, Yongqun He, Regina Hurley, Eric Merrell, Richard H. Scheuermann & Barry Smith - 2024 - PLoS ONE 1.
    The COVID-19 pandemic prompted immense work on the investigation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Rapid, accurate, and consistent interpretation of generated data is thereby of fundamental concern. Ontologies––structured, controlled, vocabularies––are designed to support consistency of interpretation, and thereby to prevent the development of data silos. This paper describes how ontologies are serving this purpose in the COVID-19 research domain, by following principles of the Open Biological and Biomedical Ontology (OBO) Foundry and by reusing existing ontologies such as the Infectious Disease Ontology (...)
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    Axiomatic foundations of non-relativistic quantum mechanics: A realistic approach.S. E. Perez Bergliaffa, Gustavo E. Romero & H. Vucetich - 1993 - International Journal of Theoretical Physics 32 (9):1507-1522.
    A realistic axiomatic formulation of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics for a single microsystem with spin is presented, from which the most important theorems of the theory can be deduced. In comparison with previous formulations, the formal aspect has been improved by the use of certain mathematical theories, such as the theory of equipped spaces, and group theory. The standard formalism is naturally obtained from the latter, starting from a central primitive concept: the Galilei group.
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  36. Steps toward an axiomatic pregeometry of spacetime.S. E. Perez-Bergliaffa, Gustavo E. Romero & H. Vucetich - 1998 - International Journal of Theoretical Physics 37:2281-2298.
    We present a deductive theory of space-time which is realistic, objective, and relational. It is realistic because it assumes the existence of physical things endowed with concrete properties. It is objective because it can be formulated without any reference to cognoscent subjects or sensorial fields. Finally, it is relational because it assumes that space-time is not a thing but a complex of relations among things. In this way, the original program of Leibniz is consummated, in the sense that space is (...)
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  37. Axiomatic foundations of Quantum Mechanics revisited: the case for systems.S. E. Perez-Bergliaffa, Gustavo E. Romero & H. Vucetich - 1996 - International Journal of Theoretical Phyisics 35:1805-1819.
    We present an axiomatization of non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics for a system with an arbitrary number of components. The interpretation of our system of axioms is realistic and objective. The EPR paradox and its relation with realism is discussed in this framework. It is shown that there is no contradiction between realism and recent experimental results.
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    A Noção de Ens Diminutum Nas Questões Sobre a Metafísica Do Ms. Escorial, H.II.1, Atribuídas a Henrique de Gand.Gustavo Barreto Vilhena de Paiva - 2024 - Dissertatio 10 (supl.):399-422.
    O manuscrito Madri, Bibl. del Escorial, h.II.1, ff. 1ra-73rb, contém um conjunto de Questões sobre a Metafísica I[A]-VI[E] de Aristóteles, atribuídas na margem inferior do f.1r a Henrique de Gand, por uma adição classificada como tardia por Martin Grabmann. Deixando de lado metodologicamente a problemática da autoria dessas Questões, busca-se aqui compreender a noção de ‘verdade’ desenvolvida na obra, principalmente no que diz respeito ao discurso metafísico que tange à descrição do ‘ser’ atribuível à verdade. Para tanto, consideramos o modo (...)
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    Response to Selected Commentaries on the AJOB Target Article “On the Ethics of Facial Transplantation Research”.Joseph C. Banis, John H. Barker, Michael Cunningham, Cedric G. Francois, Allen Furr, Federico Grossi, Moshe Kon, Claudio Maldonado, Serge Martinez, Gustavo Perez-Abadia, Marieke Vossen & Osborne P. Wiggins - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):W23-W31.
    Main Response Topics ? Introduction ? Open display and public evaluation ? Publicity versus patient privacy ? Facial tissue donation ? Validity of Louisville Instrument for Risk Acceptance ? Patients' understanding of risk ? Face versus hand transplantation ? Rejection rates/risks ? Patient compliance ? Exit strategy ? Functional recovery ? Societietal implications ? Psychological implications ? Conclusion: Uncertainty likely to persist.
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    On Heyting Algebras with Negative Tense Operators.Federico G. Almiñana, Gustavo Pelaitay & William Zuluaga - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (6):1015-1036.
    In this paper, we will study Heyting algebras endowed with tense negative operators, which we call tense H-algebras and we proof that these algebras are the algebraic semantics of the Intuitionistic Propositional Logic with Galois Negations. Finally, we will develop a Priestley-style duality for tense H-algebras.
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    Robert I. Soare. Recursion theory and Dedekind cuts. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 140 , pp. 271–294. - Robert I. Soare. Cohesive sets and recursively enumerable Dedekind cuts. Pacific Journal of mathematics, vol. 31 , pp. 215–231. [REVIEW]Brian H. Mayoh - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (1):148.
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    James H. Schmerl. Peano models with many generic classes. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, vol. 43 (1973), pp. 523–536. - James H. Schmerl. Correction to: “Peano models with many generic classes”. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, vol. 92 (1981), no. 1, pp. 195–198. - James H. Schmerl. Recursively saturated, rather classless models of Peano arithmetic. Logic Year 1979–80. Recursively saturated, rather classless models of Peano arithmetic. Logic Year 1979–80 (Proceedings, Seminars, and Conferences in Mathematical Logic, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut, 1979/80). edited by M. Lerman, J. H. Schmerl, and R. I. Soare, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 859. Springer, Berlin, pp. 268–282. - James H. Schmerl. Recursively saturatedmodels generated by indiscernibles. Notre Dane Journal of Formal Logic, vol. 26 (1985), no. 1, pp. 99–105. - James H. Schmerl. Large resplendent models generated by indiscernibles. The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 54 (1989), no. 4, pp. 1382–1388. - Jam. [REVIEW]Roman Kossak - 2009 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 15 (2):222-227.
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    The e-value and the Full Bayesian Significance Test: Logical Properties and Philosophical Consequences.Julio Michael Stern, Carlos Alberto de Braganca Pereira, Marcelo de Souza Lauretto, Luis Gustavo Esteves, Rafael Izbicki, Rafael Bassi Stern & Marcio Alves Diniz - unknown
    This article gives a conceptual review of the e-value, ev(H|X) – the epistemic value of hypothesis H given observations X. This statistical significance measure was developed in order to allow logically coherent and consistent tests of hypotheses, including sharp or precise hypotheses, via the Full Bayesian Significance Test (FBST). Arguments of analysis allow a full characterization of this statistical test by its logical or compositional properties, showing a mutual complementarity between results of mathematical statistics and the logical desiderata lying at (...)
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    Discurso psicanalítico pós-freudiano sobre a histeria e algumas relações com a literatura.Janaina Franciele Camargo & Gustavo Adolfo Ramos Mello Neto - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:81-93.
    Neste trabalho, investigamos relações que autores psicanalíticos fazem entre histeria e literatura. Fizemos um estudo dos artigos destes autores, e o objetivo foi de expor as temáticas abordadas por eles quando reúnem e interpretam juntas histeria, psicanálise e literatura. Historicamente, tanto a h..
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    Paulus and Gustavo : Religious Socialism and Liberation Theology.Ronald H. Stone - 1988 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 44 (2):155-167.
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    David Marker. Degrees of models of true arithmetic. Proceedings of the Herbrand Symposium, Logic Colloquium '81, Proceedings of the Herbrand Symposium held in Marseilles, France, July 1981, edited by J. Stern, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, vol. 107, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, New York, and Oxford, 1982, pp. 233–242. - Julia Knight, Alistair H. Lachlan, and Robert I. Soare. Two theorems on degrees of models of true arithmetic. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 49 , pp. 425–436. [REVIEW]Terrence S. Millar - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (2):562-563.
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    C. Berline and G. Cherlin. QE rings in characteristic p. Logic year 1979–80, The University of Connecticut, USA, edited by M. Lerman, J. H. Schmerl, and R. I. Soare, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 859, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1981, pp. 16–31. - C. Berline and G. Cherlin. QE nilrings of prime characteristic. Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de Belgique, ser. B vol. 33 , pp. 3–17. - Chantal Berline and Gregory Cherlin. QE rings in characteristic pn. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 48 , pp. 140–162. - D. Saracino and C. Wood. QE commutative nilrings. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 49 , pp. 644–651. [REVIEW]M. Boffa - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (4):1080-1081.
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    Animal Crossing and COVID-19: A Qualitative Study Examining How Video Games Satisfy Basic Psychological Needs During the Pandemic.Andrew Z. H. Yee & Jeremy R. H. Sng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the way many people live their lives. The increasing amount of time spent indoors and isolated during periods of lockdown has been accompanied by an increase in the time people spend playing video games. One such game which soared in popularity during the early stages of the pandemic was Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Through semi-structured interviews with players, and using a theory-informed qualitative analysis, we document and examine players’ motivations and experiences playing Animal Crossing: New (...)
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    Misinterest: essays, pensées, and dreams.M. H. Bowker - 2019 - [Santa Barbara]: Dead Letter Office, an imprint of Punctum Books.
    The term "interest" lacks a precise antonym. In English, we have "disinterested" and "uninteresting," but we want for a term that denotes robust opposition to interest. The same appears to hold true in every other language (as far as we know). Interest's missing antonym reflects not merely a widespread lexical oversight, but a misrecognition of interest's complete and exact meaning. More importantly, the idea that interest has no opposite expresses a certain refusal to acknowledge the power of the impulse to (...)
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    ELLIS, Marc H., MADURO, Otto, ed., The Future of Liberation Theology. Essays in Honor of Gustavo GutiérrezELLIS, Marc H., MADURO, Otto, ed., The Future of Liberation Theology. Essays in Honor of Gustavo Gutiérrez. [REVIEW]Michel Dion - 1990 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 46 (2):283-284.
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